Rose Commons Dr., Suite E-155 • Huntersville, NC 28078 • Phone:
General Tire needed a name for their new ‘flagship’ line
of tires designed to combine reliability, comfort and tread life, as
well as year-round traction, even in light snow.
Engage! Solution: Altimax
Home Depot needed a name for their new ‘private label brand’ for
a line of small home appliances.
Engage! Solution: Everstar
Armstrong World Industries needed a name for their new line of full
overlay, flat panel kitchen cabinets featuring slightly radiused
edges on all sides and fully concealed hinges.
Engage! Solution: Moderno
GE Appliance needed a name for their new cooking technology that combined
traditional bake and broil elements with their Precise Air™ convection
and microwave energies.
Engage! Solution: Trivection
DANNON needed a new name for their light yogurt that connoted ‘light’ but
also communicated the health benefits associated with a non-fat low calorie
Engage! Solution: Light ’n Fit
Keebler needed a name for their new ‘big cracker with a baked bread
taste’. The name also needed to dovetail under the existing
Town House franchise.
Engage! Solution: Town House Bistro
Pepsi needed a name for their new ‘indulgent diet’ cola product.
The name needed to connote something ‘special’ in the zero
calorie beverage sector.
Engage! Solution: Pepsi Diet JAZZ
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company needed a name for their revolutionary
tire technology that repairs tire punctures when they occur. The
new and innovative technology features a "built-in sealant" that
allows drivers to continue operating after a tire is punctured.
Engage! Solution: Goodyear DuraSeal
PGT Industries needed a name for their custom designed, custom built,
maintenance-free, outdoor patio rooms. They wanted to communicate
the essence of being outdoors with the comforts of being indoors.
Engage! solution: NatureScape
PGT Industries needed a name for their line of impact resistant
windows and doors. These windows and door offer attractive, full-time
protection against flying debris and hurricane-force winds.
Engage! solution: WinGuard
PGT Industries needed a name for their vertical four-track adjustable
windows. These sliders provide floor-to- ceiling views and ventilation.
The rugged vinyl glazing is lighter in weight than glass, making
panels easy to operate and remove.
Engage! solution: Eze-Breeze
Playtex needed a name for their new flushable, natural taper tampon
and applicator.
Engage! solution: Playtex Beyond
Subway wanted to conduct a national brand audit to better understand
how their menu item identities communicated their ingredients and consumer
Engage! solution:
Using the Engage! BrandGauge™ research model, we conducted 6 cells
of 200 one-on-one consumer interviews for total of 1200 interviews. The
results are reflected in Subway’s current menu.
Lance Foods needed a name for their new beef jerky and meat snacks
Engage! solution: OUTPOST
Nice-Pak needed a name for their new hand cleaning wipe designed for
hard working tradesmen.